
Writing Resume

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Blogspot 2004-5

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Lady Lorelei has always enjoyed synthesizing the practical with the spiritual. She was a National Merit Scholar and graduated cum laude in Electrical Engineering, then spent ten years in an ISKCON temple studying the Sanskrit texts and religion of ancient India. As a young girl she had rare flashes of prescience and an interest in metaphysics as well as physics. The first deck she ever used was Tarot of the Witches by Fergus Hall seen in the James Bond movie
" Live and Let Die". But that, along with the Old Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards, belonged to her mother. In the mid-90's she purchased her first Waite deck and was immediately disgusted with the outdated and irrelevant male-dominated imagery. She created her own tarot deck of 101 cards, and once broken out of the 78 card standard, was able to settle down and assimilate the popular modern decks. Her heart remains with the innovative non-standard decks like the Petit Jeu of Mlle. Le Normand.

She is an American Tarot Association member, a Certified Tarot Master, and has done hundreds of professional readings for satisfied clients. She teaches beginning and advanced tarot reading and gives tarot workshops. She lives on the highest point in Chatham County, North Carolina with four cats, and hikes the nearby tree farms for fun.

I�m no longer reading email at the old address due to spam issues. Please send all correspondence to tarot at the domain name .

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