Tarot Goddess Network
Frequently Asked Questions

  • What's your email?
    I�m no longer reading email unless it has tarot in the subject line due to spam issues. Please send all correspondence to lorelei at the domain name with tarot in the subject line.
  • What is Tarot?
    Tarot is a method of accessing the subconscious or intuitive mind through the use of archetypes. Most tarot decks consist of 78 cards with pictures on them depicting Everyone’s journey through life’s trials and tribulations. The images that appear in a particular layout in answer to a particular question offer advice that illuminates the querent’s own inner wisdom.
  • What is a Public Tarot Reading?
    Readings in a party or public setting tend to be short and sweet, so that everyone gets a taste. We’ll use a popular tarot deck or one that fits in with your party theme such as the Halloween Tarot. The card layouts are general and readily understood like:
    And the questions are usually what is foremost in everyone’s mind:
    How can I improve my career?
    What is going on in my love life?
    How do I overcome this latest obstacle?
  • What is a Private Tarot Reading?
    Readings in a private setting are much more personal and in depth, and are completely confidential. We begin with a discussion of your concerns and the factors contributing to them, and ways to shed more light on underlying issues. Then we’ll talk about decks and spreads and choose the right one for your reading. I specialize in creating unique personal spreads on the spot.
  • What comes after the Tarot Reading?
    You give it some thought. You let the words and concepts of the reading roll around in your mind for a few days or even a few weeks. You try to make changes that incorporate the reading. Think about things in a new way. You go back over the reading and read it or listen to the cassette. Time passes and you look at it again and see how far you’ve come!
  • What does CPTR mean?
    CPTR means that I hold the rank of Certified Professional Tarot Reader. The qualifications for CPTR are:
    · Knows the meanings of the 78 tarot cards in the upright and reversed positions
    · Is able to use spreads of up to 11 cards or more
    · Has done 25 professional readings (I’ve done over 400)
    · Has written a personal Code of Ethics
    · Is able to rephrase questions
    · Is qualified to teach tarot to others.
    For more info about certification go to www.tarotcertification.org website of the Tarot Certification Board.
  • What does CTM mean?
    CTM means that as of March 2003, I hold the rank of Certified Tarot Master. The qualifications for CTM are:
    Has written and published at least 3 each of: Tarot articles, Tarot book reviews, and Tarot Deck reviews
    Has demonstrated mastery of the tarot deck, including attributing the 22 Major Arcana to another esoteric or occult paradigm
    Has written an outline for teaching the Tarot to a beginner
    Has taught 10 people or more to read the tarot deck to at least a level of CATR
    Can explain or has written out how one's code of ethics applies to what one writes and publishes as well as how one deals with peers

*For more info about certification, see www.tarotcanada.com The Canadian Tarot Network.

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