Lady Lorelei in Second Life
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The Tarot Goddess Network
Open A Window of Opportunity
Does it seem like there is no solution? No options? The walls are
closing in? Let the tarot open a window for you. Take a look inside
the tarot and you will see endless possibilities. Take a chance
like the Fool and exert your will like the Magician, uncover your
subconscious with the High Priestess, feel yourself become gravid
with ideas and truths like the Empress and step up to the authority
of the Emperor. Don’t let the bureaucracy of the Hierophant
push you around. Love yourself, love others, and love your Deity
in the Lovers. Take control of your own destiny by driving the Chariot
of your life. Exhibit real Strength by learning positive reinforcement.
Take time alone to be still and silent like the Hermit. Make your
own luck with the Wheel of Fortune! Learn the true responsibilities
of Justice. Make sacrifice like the Hanged Man to attain the precious
pearl of wisdom. Come to terms with loss in Death. Find your natural
balance in Temperance. Confront your shadow self in the Devil. Take
that good old kick in the astral with the Tower! Find deep inspiration
through the self-reflection of the Star. Discover your weakness
and illusions in the Moon and return to your childhood with the
Sun. Accept the task of your Higher Power with Judgment and embrace
integration in all aspects of your self in the World.
And that’s only 22 of the limitless
Illumine the Mirror of Your
A Tarot Goddess Network Reading is like a mirror for the infinite
eternal knowledge of your spirit soul that is connected to all universal
truths and knowledge. The pictures and symbols on the cards are
archetypes and metaphors for situations and information we encounter
daily, for life. The tarot is a language for accessing the knowledge
of the unconscious mind and the eternal soul. You have the knowledge
and power within you. You have everything you need. The tarot allows
you to access this knowledge and wisdom. From racial memories to
childhood memories to just plain old common sense, the tarot tells
all. Are you ready to see yourself in this mirror?
Sure you are!
Take control now!
TGN Code of Ethics
- I am responsible for my words and my actions.
- You are responsible for your words and your actions.
- I will not tell you what to do, only you can decide what is best for you.
- Before I perform your reading I will calm and center my self.
- I reserve the right to rephrase your request for the greatest good of all, and for Your personal growth. This is the value I bring to your reading.
- This reading is for You, about You, and what�s best for You. This reading is NOT for anyone else, about anyone else, or what�s best for anyone else.
- I calls 'em as I sees 'em. The truth, however unpalatable or pleasing, is another value I bring to your reading.
- Reading tarot cards is not fortune telling, which is illegal in my counties of work and residence. (See App. A below.) Fortune telling means telling the future. Reading tarot cards is entertainment, advice, and forecasting. The future is mutable. There is not one single future to tell.
- I am not a qualified professional financial counselor, mental health counselor, marriage counselor, relationship counselor, physician, religious counselor, travel agent, police officer, or private investigator. If you are in need of these services, please seek out such a professional.
- Money-back guarantee: If you are not satisfied with the quality of the reading you have received from me, don't pay. Likewise, if you request a further reading, be prepared to pay for it.
Appendix A: North Carolina Anti-Fortune Telling Law
14-401.5. Practice of phrenology, palmistry, fortune-telling or clairvoyance prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to practice the arts of phrenology, palmistry, clairvoyance, fortune telling and other crafts of a similar kind in the counties named herein. Any person violating any provision of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor. This section shall not prohibit the amateur practice of phrenology, palmistry, fortune-telling or clairvoyance in connection with school or church socials, provided such socials are held in school or church buildings. Provided that the provisions of this section shall apply only to the Counties of Alexander, Ashe, Avery, Bladen, Brunswick, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Camden, Carteret, Caswell, Chatham, Chowan, Clay, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, Dare, Davidson, Davie, Duplin, Durham, Franklin, Graham, Granville, Greene, Guilford, Halifax, Harnett, Haywood, Henderson, Hoke, Iredell, Johnston, Lee, Lenoir, Madison, Martin, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Moore, Nash, New Hanover, Onslow, Pasquotank, Pender, Perquimans, Person, Polk, Richmond, Robeson, Rockingham, Rutherford, Sampson, Scotland, Surry, Transylvania, Union, Wake and Wayne. (Chgd. by L.1993, chap. 539, �275, chap. 596, �I, eff 1011194; L.1994 Ex. Sess., chap. 24, �14, eff 3126194.)
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Client Bill of Rights
from the Tarot Certification Board of America at
- You always have the right to exercise your own free will and to make your own choices.
You alone have the right to decide if and when you want
a tarot reading.
You have the right to a useful and supportive tarot reading experience.
You are entitled to the full attention of your reader.
You are entitled to ask questions during the reading to gain further clarification.
You are entitled to full and complete answers to the questions covered in your reading.
Your tarot reading is private and confidential.
Your reading is a complete service in itself. You are not required to purchase anything else.
Tarot readers are not qualified to give medical advice
unless they are physicians.
Tarot readers are not qualified to give financial advice
unless they are qualified financial advisors.
Tarot readers are not qualified to give legal advice
unless they are attorneys.
Tarot readers are not qualified to predict the future.
Tarot readers are not qualified to make your decisions for you.
TGN Means Customer Satisfaction
What Clients Say about Lady Lorelei
- I can't believe the insights of the Tarot reading I got from Lady Lorelei. Let me go on record as saying that,
as a Certified Tarot Master with 35 years of experience, I'm a bit of a pain to read. I have that old "Oh, yeah, make me!"
attitude when someone else grabs the cards and wants me to accept their reading as being great. But Lady Lorelei did it and she did it with panache
and a depth I haven't experienced in the past. Not only did she peg me, she pegged some issues I didn't even realize I had until they were pointed out.
Night and day. This one reading changed my life.... and that's the truth!
Bravo, Lady Lorelei! I'm VERY impressed!
Devon Cathlin, CTM
- �Your kindness touches my heart!
THANK YOU! These cards (even though they are a bit tough) have given me hope
and courage. I always try to be a positive thinker and I know I will be able to
find happiness.�
- �Thank you ever so much for the
reading. And wow how quick I got it. Excellent. As I read it for this month I
won�t even get close to women!"
- �You gave me this reading a while ago, and it is only now that I
can see just how accurate you were. Thank you. You are gifted.�
- �This has to be one of the most accurate readings I have ever had.
Only one other person has given me such an accurate reading and he�s a close
friend of mine. The spread you used was very interesting and I thought it very
much pertained to my situation. I will definitely come back in the future.�
- �Thank you so much for the reading. It�s painful to see and painful
to know, but much worse to live this way. So I have some choices to make, some
answers to find. Thank you again.�
- "Thank you for your wise words. I will follow your lead.�
- �Lorelei is great!!! Keep up the fabulous work!!!�
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