Melissa Michael Magick


the website of Melissa Katherine Michael


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February 2006 Tom



Tom in his lovely blue Elizabethan collar, sitting in a litter box he will not use!

Update - he did pee in the other litter box.... after flipping this one over, along with this water bowl, and taking off the collar again. He's not messing with the drains, so I'll leave it off.

The 3 drains in his front left leg. There are three more in the other leg.


The cage I got for $80 - ya never know when ya need a big cage!

Note standard sized cat carrier next to it. Note tatty old piller on top of it. (New ones cost $15 or so.)


Tom's bill:

The bill was $379.62 ... for a stray cat that showed up at my door. The vet said she charged me half price for the drains and anesthesia, but he was under for an hour. Lucky thing it was clinic week, so the rabies shot was only $5. Looks like the $27 over-night hospitalization was free. It costs $38.30 to dispose of cat testicles? But... I wanted to make earrings out of them!Or maybe that was for getting rid of the ear mites! Now I have three Elizabethan collars. Are they reusable? They seem to be paper-like, but I could spray it with bleach...


Second bill: Drain removal and recheck.




Third bill:Recheck and second FVRCP shot.




How you can Help

Click below or login to PayPal and send any amount to help pay for Tom the Stray's medical costs.
Your donations are used for maintenance of the rescued cats mentioned on this site.

State what exactly you want your money used for if you like. If not, Ill just use it on the next random cat bill I get!
Your information will not be stored, shared, or sold in any way.

I am not a 501c3. These donations are not tax-deductible.

$25.00 Rescued Cat Donation

$50.00 Rescued Cat Donation

$100.00 Rescued Cat Donation



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