How To Order a Reading

All readings done personally by Lady Lorelei


  1. Send me an emailat [email protected]�� that includes the following:
    1. Your correct email address
    2. Your name
    3. Your question or concern
    4. Optional � your preferred deck
    5. Optional � your preferred spread or tarot layout
    6. The price or number of cards for your reading

                                                               i.      Free 3 card (one time offer)

                                                             ii.      $15 ��1-5 cards

                                                            iii.      $25 ��6-11 cards

                                                           iv.      $50��12-50 cards

                                                             v.      $100 ��Full Deck � 78 cards

    1. Your age � you must be at least 18 to participate.
    2. This statement :I understand that I decide my own future and that this tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only.�
    3. How you plan to pay: PayPal, check, or money order. (Your reading is emailed within 2 business days or receiving your payment.)
    4. Optional � tell me you do NOT want to be on the Tarot Goddess Network Newsletter mailing list. You are automatically added to my Newsletter list unless you tell me no. Your information remains confidential and is never shared with anyone.The TGN Newsletter is news about tarot reading and where I debut new tarot spreads.



  1. Choose a payment option � wait to hear from me before making payment.
    1. PayPal - When I receive your email with all the information above, I will email you back with my PayPal email account where you can send payment, or you can use the link below. Once we agree on the question, the spread, the number of cards and the payment; and I receive payment,I will email your reading within 2 business days.

I accept payments from anyone with a credit card at PayPal - always FREE!

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!


    1. Check or Money Order � When I receive your email with all the information above, I will email you back with my PO Box where you can send payment. Once we agree on the question, the spread, the number of cards and the payment; and I receive payment.I will email (or mail, whichever you prefer) your reading within 2 business days.