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�Gypsy Fortunes� is a complete 36 card
deck with accompanying book that gives a detailed description of
the card art and symbology, meaning, reversed meaning, Daily Challenge,
and Gypsy Wisdom for each card. You will learn basic 1, 2, and 3
card reading techniques. The book is lavishly and gorgeously illustrated
to facilitate thoroughly mastering the deck. The 36 cards are associated
with the 78 cards of the tarot deck. This is a reprint of The Old
Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards from 1940. You can view both decks and
compare the similarities in the artwork. The spirit of the 1940
deck is intact. Changes were very carefully considered. Like, there
is no Death card, so I requested that a faint skeleton be added
to the Broken Mirror card.
This is a very easy, happy, light deck to read
with. It does have darker cards like the Lightning, The Snake, the
Mice, and so on. But the simplicity of the easily-accessible images
retain it�s bygone era charm, while being perfectly applicable to
modern tarot readings. I included Key Indications from the original
1940 booklet, but I don�t use them in an actual reading. My tarot
reading friends have told me how accurate and powerful this deck
is. I�ve done several hundred readings with it and love it!
Introduction to Gypsy Fortunes
Gypsy Fortunes has an intriguing and unique history
and a simple and beautiful design that increases its fortune telling
power since it is not restricted by the repetition of images, names,
and numbers. Each card is a powerful talisman of knowledge, a key
to wisdom, and a world of meditation.
What's unique about this beginner's book is its
freedom from ridiculous invented rules. If it doesn’t sound
right to you, throw it out! Adjust it or make up your own meaning.
These are your cards and divination or card reading comes from the
heart, not the head. My card descriptions, meanings, and definitions
are one possible way to look at the cards. The card layouts are
one possible way to read the cards. These are not The Way, they
are a way. Like the gypsy in your soul, you will find your own way
of reading with these cards.
Yes/No readings are presented specifically because
you will rarely find a modern tarot reader who will do them. They
are deemed by many professional readers to be too hard, worthless,
or even impossible. You also wont' often find one card readings
in a professional reader's repertoire. Yet they are so often quick,
easy, and immanently useful. In addition to lists of questions and
layouts, this book shows you how to design your own readings from
My earnest desire is that this book and deck will
encourage you to do readings for yourself and others, to develop
your own reading style and spreads, and to find and trust your inner
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