Take Control Now !!!

Other Services Provided by Lady Lorelei



*Rune Readings

* Year-Long Value Plans


*Live Workshops in North Carolina

*Learn 3 Card Readings Today!

*Make Your Own Tarot Deck


*Tarot Mentoring Service


*Candle Prayers




Rune Readings

I use the runes of the Elder Futhark, cast simply without a defined spread, and interpret them in modern terms.

$15 One Rune

A specific answer to a specific question.
What issue it is you are dealing with at present.

$25 Simple Cast

Usually 3-5 runes. The runes are shaken and stirred and a few are taken and cast. The upright runes are what is going on right now and why. The face down runes show where these influences are leading.

$50 Full Cast

All 24 runes are shaken and cast. The position of each and the relation of runes near to each other is interpreted, starting with the central or most influential and out to the farthest or least influential.

Click Order A Reading in the frame to the left or

email Lady Lorelei for details.


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Year-Long Value Plans

Great Gifts! Help Someone You Love to Take Control!


Duchess Plan

Empress Plan

Goddess Plan


email Lady Lorelei for full details.

Duchess Plan

Birth Card and Year Card Readings����������������� $30 value

Full Name and Age Reading on your Birthday �� $50 value

One Yearly Reading, or reading of your Choice $50 value

Twelve Monthly 6-11 Card Readings���������������� $300 value

Full Cost - Only $200��������������������������� $430 Total Value



Empress Plan

*Birth Card and Year Card Readings����������������� $30 value

*Full Name and Age Reading on your Birthday �� $50 value

*One Yearly Reading, or reading of Your choice $50 value

*50 Weekly1-7 Card Readings�������������� $750-$1250 value

Full Cost � Only $500��������������������������� $880-1380 Total Value



Goddess Plan

Birth Card and Year Card Readings����������������� $30 value

Full Name and Age Reading on your Birthday �� $50 value

One Yearly Reading, or reading of Your choice $50 value

250�� 1-3 Card Daily Readings������������������������� $3750 value

Full Cost � Only $1000������������������������� $3880 Total Value


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email Lady Lorelei for full details.


Birth Card and Year Card Readings���������������������� $30 value


Your Personal Birth Card Reading gives information about lifelong lessons; how you can Take Control of Your life!!!

Calculation Example:

Lady Lorelei�s personal Birth Card for 7/2/64

7 + 2 + 1+ 9 + 6 + 4 = 29 2 + 9 = 11Justice

Further Reduced to:1 + 1 = 2High Priestess


Your Personal Year Card Reading gives information about yearlong lessons from birthday to birthday; how you can Take Control of Your year!!!

Calculation Example:

Lady Lorelei�s personal 2001 Year Card

7 + 2 + 1+ 9 + 6 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 32 2 + 3 = 5Hierophant


Full Name and Age Reading on your Birthday ������� $50 value


This spread has as many cards as there are letters in your name. It encompasses your past, present, and future as well as the effect you have on others, and that others have on you. Of special import in this spread is the Age card. This spread gives you an idea of what is influencing you and what your coming task is.


One Yearly Reading, or reading of Your choice $50 value

You may choose at any time during your year to have any spread of your choice, from a Full Deck spread, to an Omkara, a Celtic Cross, Christian Cross, Tree of Life; any spread you like. Or, I will perform a 24 card yearly reading on January first, or the beginning of your year (Chinese, Hindu, Jewish, Pagan, etc.) 12 cards tell you what is going to happen in the 12 months, and 12 cards give important information about what is happening in that month. This is one of my favorite spreads, and one that I do for myself every year.


Twelve Monthly 6-11 Card Readings������������� $300 value

Monthly Readings give you a full overview of the coming month. Depending on your choice of spread, we can examine what�s going on at the obvious surface level, under the surface, what will help you take control, and what obstacle you face during the month.Performing the same spread each month will show your progress through the year. Or we can do 12 completely different spreads. Great monthly spreads are the Tree of Life, Key, Chakra, Line, etc. These spreads are delivered on a monthly schedule at the New Moon, Full Moon, first of the month, or whenever you desire.


50 Weekly1-7 Card Readings������������� $750-$1250 value

Weekly readings are a quick effective look at what will happen, or be important to note on the 7 days of the week, or the 5 days of the work week. These readings can be scheduled to arrive on Monday, Friday, or whenever you desire. During the course of the year we can address special concerns with specific spreads of your choice, like the Pentacle, What�s Stopping Me?, Baseball, Relationship, Choices and Options, etc. And we can modify the content of your Weekly Reading by asking empowering questions such as:


*What does the Universe want me to learn this week?

*What is the best thing for me to do this week?

*What is my blind spot this week?

*What are my tasks this week?




250�� 1-3 Card Daily Readings���������������������� $3750 value

The possibilities for Daily Readings are infinite. Served up with your morning coffee or your midnight snack, these powerful little readings jumpstart your day.Scheduled for weekdays, we can look at the most important concern, event, lesson, etc. of the day or of the Morning/Noon/Night; or address specific concerns with a 3 card spread and a question such as:


*What is the basis of this issue I am facing?

*What is the Pro/Con/Priority of this situation?

*What are 3 options to this dilemma?

*Who are my actions Helping/Harming/In Harmony With?

*Where can I find Help/Knowledge/Power?




email Lady Lorelei for full details.


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Learn 3 Card Readings Now Workshop


Sure, you can study the book and each individual card for decades before you perform your first reading, or you can start performing full-scale professional tarot readings today. The choice is Yours. Are you ready to open Your doors of perception? Your gateway to inspiration and intuition? Learn how to unhinge your conscious mind and listen to your subconscious mind, and to connect with the divine light within, the source of All knowledge. This workshop covers the following five 3 card spreads which can be used with any tarot deck.








email Lady Lorelei for details.


Make Your Own Tarot Deck Workshop


Ever met a King? Is a Page the equivalent of a White House intern? Does the Rider-Waite just not work for you?Overwhelmed by all the tarot deck choices out there?Then create your very own tarot deck with words and images that are meaningful and powerful to you. Before the workshop, you can be thinking oforganizing your paradigm; outlining your worldview; whether you see existence in terms of directions, colors, elements, astrology, numbers, religious symbols, words, ancient songs, modern convention, whatever!We�ll make a sample card with materials I bring to get you started, or you can bring your own materials. This workshop is a distillation of the 3 months of intense inspirational work I did in �98 when I created Lady Lorelei�s Third Millennium Tarot Deck.



email Lady Lorelei for details


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Tarot Goddess Mentoring

Email mentoring is best for me, though I can do snail mail if you prefer, or face-to-face if you are in the Triangle or Triad of North Carolina. A mentor helps the apprentice along the path of learning in the chosen profession, skill, or craft, in this case, tarot reading. This is a case by case basis according to your desires and needs. I am available at no charge for links and lists of useful information,to formal coursework and reading evaluation. I�ve written several tarot deck and book reviews, and tarot articles; and I�m currently working on a Major Arcana Curriculum which is designed as a study guide for the beginning student and an exercise for the advanced student.


email Lady Lorelei for details.


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Candle Prayers - $25


I will call upon the love and mercy of your Deity and my own to help you with your concerns.Use the Order a Reading page and choose the $25 reading from the drop down menu. Explain in the Reading Request box that this a Candle Prayer request.

Choose the color candle you want from the list below.

Tell Lady Lorelei the names or words you want inscribed on the candle.

Tell Lady Lorelei what to pray for. See example below.

Tell Lady Lorelei when you want the Prayer performed:

Immediately, new or full moon, day of the week, time of day.



White :Spiritual life and connection with your higher power

Purple : Intellect, Intuition, mental concerns, eyes, ears, nose, psyche, head

Blue :Throat, mouth, communication, expression, healing, emotions, relationships

Green : Love, money, prosperity, fertility, heart, upper back

Yellow : Self esteem, willpower, take control, positivity, stomach, mid-back

Orange : sexual organs, lower back, relationships, reproduction

Red : seat, legs, foundation, basis, excretory organs

Pink : romance, friendship, love

Black :mourning, memorial, banishing negativity


Candle Prayer example:


Pink candle inscribed with the words Love, Trust, Happiness


Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, lend your ear to my humble prayer. Joan Smith is ready to open her heart to love in her life. With Your help and blessing, let true love and light come into her life. Help Joan to become whole in herself so that her light and love shine bright and attract the perfect mate. Ready her for love. Guide her to meet love. Let her know when she has found love. Give her courage to face and accept love, as well as a generous heart to give and share love.


Laxmi, Goddess of Fortune, smile on Joan Smith and shower her with the fortune of true love. Fill her heart and her life with the wealth of kindness, affection, open honest communication, and deep trust.


Brigid, Goddess of Craftsmanship, empower Joan Smith to create the love life she desires. Fill her mind with the wisdom to build a lifelong partnership with her soulmate.


Goddess Gaia, Mother of us all, ground Joan Smith in the here and now, stabilize her life so that she�� has an anchor point while venturing forth on the ocean of emotion and relation. Bless her with your inner fire of passion and courage.


Divinity of Infinity, if You so desire, for the greatest good of all, hear our prayers and grant our desires. Guide us on our life�s journey. Empower us to know You.


Amen. Let it Be.






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